St. Timothy's Vision & Mission

St. Timothy's Vision

To grow in Faith, Hope, and Love with Jesus as our example.

St. Timothy's Mission

To further God's mission of rescue and redemption for His creation.

What We Believe

C.S. Lewis quote about belief

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.

-- Hebrews 11:1 (ESV)

  • The Bible, Old and New Testaments, is the inspired Word of God
  • That God is both Three and One at the same time: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as described in the Nicene and Apostles' Creeds
  • God's grace provides salvation through faith in Jesus Christ as described by Paul in the Letter to the Romans
  • You receive the Holy Spirit upon profession of faith for the purpose of glorifying God and as counsel for your daily life and walk with Christ
  • Works are a visible sign of a believer's genuine faith as described in the Book of James
  • There are two sacraments, Baptism and the Eucharist (the Lord's Supper), as ordained by Christ in the Gospels
  • We are meant to live out The Great Commission
  • We are called to love others as Christ loves us

Meet Our Leadership

Our Clergy & Chaplain


Luke Deman

Luke and his wife, Jennifer, were two of the founding members of St. Timothy's. After being called to seminary, he was excited to return. He and Jennifer are the blessed parents of Oscar and Marcie. 


Nelson Weaver

In addition to service as a Deacon at St. Timothy’s, Nelson is Chaplain, Whitesville Fire & Rescue Dept. He and his wife, Margaret, are blessed with three daughters and seven grandchildren.

Our Staff

Tim Hamilton
Praise Team Leader

Tami Neff
Parish Admin & Info Tech

Kerry Hall
Financial Manager

Our Vestry & Vestry Officers

Annual Reports